Aggregates Heading



Dyckerhoff Basal Toeslagstoffen B.V. is engaged in the sale and transport of various types of sand and gravel, both for its own use by Dyckerhoff Basal Betonmortel companies and for third parties. For example, Dyckerhoff Basal Toeslagstoffen B.V. has a transhipment point in Deventer.

This enables Dyckerhoff Basal Toeslagstoffen B.V. to respond better to the demands and wishes of the customer.

Sand is separated into the fractions: 2 / 5 mm, 0.5 / 2 mm, 0.25 / 0.5 mm, 0 / 0.25 mm.

With these fractions all desired sand types can be composed, we supply for example the following types of sand:

Concrete sand
Masonry sand
Jointing sand
Play sand
Crushing sand
Top layer sand
Gravel sand
Floor sand

Gravel is separated into the following fractions: 16-32, 8-16, 4-8.

With these fractions Basal Toeslagstoffen B.V. is able to supply the grain construction required by the customer.

Filling sand / filler sand
High sand (also called fill sand) is mainly used as an underlayer in construction projects. Since roads, houses and other buildings are built on it, it has to meet a number of requirements. The sand must be permeable and have sufficient load-bearing capacity. If this is not the case, major problems such as subsidence can arise. Usually very fine types of sand are used for this application. But all types of sand are suitable in principle.